Thursday, August 13, 2009

Google Voice Add-on for Firefox

I found an addon called Google Voice Add-on for Firefox 0.5.0 that functions like the one Skype installs into your browser. Click a phone number on any web page and connect automatically through your Google Voice account. Here's the authors description,
Click a phone number on any page to place a call using Google Voice. Displays your number in the status bar and lists your most recent call when hovered. Select text to send as a text message or dial and text from the status bar.

Well it will eventually work like that. Currently one has to select the number and double-click the Google Voice icon in the lower right corner, then click ok. Also an option to disable the 'Click Okay to Call xxx-xxx-xxxx' would be nice. Make it work like the feature you're copying!

One caveat is the addon requires that you Enter your Google Account e-mail address & password (In other words it's stored unencrypted in plain text in the browsers configuration files; blecch, what a gaping lack of security)! Hmmm, couldn't this just be a Google Toolbar Button?


  1. Hi Justin, thanks for the writeup on the addon. It sounds like you're just getting started with it, so I thought I'd point out a few of its features.

    The click-to-call works just fine, unless the number you're wanting is loaded via AJAX. If that's the case, the number shows up after the addon looks for numbers when the page first loads. To gain access to these numbers you can rescan for them by double clicking the status bar or, like you said, can call it by selecting the number and double clicking. You can also send selected text as an SMS by double clicking the status bar.

    If you're using v0.5.0, the popup you see when dialing is there to say you are calling a number, and which phone is about to ring. Previous versions of the addon didn't give the option to cancel the call if you clicked a number by accident, so there is also an option to confirm "Call xxx-xxx-xxxx from xxx-xxx-xxxx?" which will be removed in the next version. This option is off by default and can be changed in the addon settings.

    As for security, your Google e-mail address and password are stored in Firefox's built in password manager along with your other saved passwords, not an unencrypted configuration file. You are probably mistaking this addon with the first version of my GrandCentral addon.

    If you have any questions about the addon or suggestions, let me know.

    Chad Smith

  2. okay, thanks for your comments. I will update this post and move it to my main blog
